MindHealth for Managers One-day Programme

Petros - resilience training for good mental health

Supporting Managers in their roles…

Offering a unique and exclusive combination of an empirically tested model applied to real life situations, our MindHealth for Managers one-day programme enables attendees to immerse themselves in an authentic case study. They will experience, first-hand, ways of addressing and supporting people to reduce the risk of experiencing mental ill health, the one day course will mean attendees are:

• More informed about mental health.

• More empowered to use their knowledge. 

• More competent to apply a validated model of wellbeing, both to themselves and those they manage.

• More prepared and confident in supporting those struggling with mental health.

The aims of the programme:

To equip managers to have the confidence and basic skills to support, communicate and interact with staff who are experiencing mental health conditions and distress.

Mindhealth for Managers 1 day course - Petros | Good mental health for all

This training is ideal for managers, leaders, CEOs and HR professionals; specifically, anyone who has a responsibility for the workplace care of people. This training involves:

  • Demonstration and practice

  • Skills practice

  • Group work

  • Discussions

  • Video Presentations

Using our Model of Dynamic Adaptation (MDA) the objectives of the day are to immerse themselves in a real world example of a lived experience and…

• Apply the MDA to this experience.

• Manage the MDA in terms of an individual’s support.

• Understand the who, what, when, where and why of intervention to support good mental health at work.

Professor Jo Clarke PhD - Petros - resilience for life

Founder of Petros Professor Jo Clarke PhD delivering Petros mental health and resilience programmes.

Book you place via the panel above, or please get in touch with us if you would like to know more.

Training co-authors, Director of Petros Professor Jo Clarke and Ed Simpson are experienced practitioners in Critical Occupations: jobs where there is a high risk of critical impact on psychological wellbeing.