
Online Learning Programmes and Support

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Wherever you are, we can be with you…

Supporting executives, teams, individuals and people around the world through our online learning programmes.

In uncertain times, our personal resilience and judgement will be called upon to think and act in the right way to support ourselves, our families and livelihoods. Together, we can work through this period of change and help you, not simply to survive, but positively thrive. We currently deliver a range of resilience and mental health support online learning programmes, including:

The Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change defines stress as ‘ruminating about emotional upset’. Going over and over all the things in your life that you can’t change or might never happen, which is, self-evidently, a miserable thing to do. Imagine being empowered to make the choice not to ‘stress’? Not to ruminate and make yourself anxious – this is what the Challenge of Change offers. Discover more about the Challenge of Change.

Mental Health Awareness

Many of us feel that we lack knowledge and understanding of what mental health and distress actually means and this can lead to anxiety about engaging and dealing with those who have a mental health condition. This awareness session takes a practical and common sense approach, providing advice and understanding of how to recognise common mental health conditions. Discover more about our Petros Mental Health Awareness programme.

Decompression Sessions

A Decompression Session is personal, facilitated time for an individual to literally decompress, or unload. Originally designed to provide Critical Occupation staff an opportunity to discuss their work and its impact in a safe, non-judgemental and supportive environment, it gives you time and support to put all that stuff down, process the bits that need processing, let go of the things you can, consider alternative ways of dealing with the pressures and renew your energy to carry on thriving in a challenging environment. Discover more about the Petros Decompression Sessions

Be Kind to Your Mind

A highly effective and popular online mental health support programme for business. Looking at different aspects of personal resilience, brain function and how we can maintain health and productivity. Interactive and with the ability to be tailored to your sector, industry and market, this programme is a great learning and support tool for individuals and teams working from home, in the office and all around the world today.  Discover more about our Be Kind to Your Mind programme.

If you would like to investigate any of these online mental health support programmes, please talk to us.

By taking action now, we can all build healthier, happier and more productive lives.

Be Kind to Your Mind

Our short audio series – listen and engage live as a group, or, wherever and whenever you choose.

“Be Kind to Your Mind” is series of short, practical and engaging online discussions to help you look after your “self”, with compassion and kindness. Co-presented by two of our highly experienced team, using using Zoom online conferencing and Mentimeter* interactive presentation software for live participation, each episode will be 30 to 40 minutes long. The espisodes are designed to work as a series, as well as offering valuable stand-alone guides.

Keep connected, calm and collaborative

Why not make a regular date to join with your team and log on for our live episodes? Or, download one to listen to when you’re ready.

We’ll be talking about resilience; your brain and your mind; emotion and intuition; the psychology of emotion and how stories affect us; emotional regulation and helping others; the four sights (insight, foresight, hindsight and oversight), plus many more skills, tips, inspiration and ideas for thriving in adversity.

Stay happy and productive

Be Kind to Your Mind - Online Learning - Petros - good mental health

Discover more on the Be Kind to Your Mind page. If you would like to receive alerts about this forthcoming support, please get in touch and register your interest.

*Easy to access, using freely available software, available here: Zoom and Mentimeter.