
Wellbeing in the Workplace
Clark, J
To give our people the best chance of thriving, organisationally we need to:
- Understand the way the work environment and culture can impact on the wellbeing of our staff.
- Know a bit about how the individuals who work for us adapt on a personal level.
- Accommodate the challenges of day-to-day living into our working life
With this in place, we have a more than fighting chance of helping our people thrive.
If you’d like to learn more, our free eBook explains how your organisation can ensure your people aren’t just surviving but thriving, helping your organisation to consider WHERE and, importantly, HOW to intervene, thus promoting the best possible mind health for your staff.

Forensic Psychology in Practice: A Practitioners Handbook
Clarke, J & Wilson, P (Eds) (2013) Palgrave MacMillan, Hants
A practical guide to overcoming challenges and translating the theories of forensic psychology into real-life practice.
“A much needed book, explaining the actual practice of forensic psychology in this country from experts’ in each area. The contents are superb, including controversial and contemporary topics…” Dr Amanda Roberts, University of East London, UK
“… an invaluable addition to anyone in the field.” Professor Anthony Beech, University of Birmingham

The Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Psychology in Secure Settings
Clarke, J (2017) The Resilient Organisation in Ireland, J. L., Ireland, C. A., Fisher, M., & Gredecki, N. (Eds.) pp236-251. Taylor & Francis.
Clarke, J (the Press) How to thrive in treatment: Organizational and Individual duty of care In Sex offender Assessment, Treatment, and Management: Emerging Directions and Debates. Uzieblo, K., Smid, W., & McCartan, K (Eds). Palgrave MacMillan
Vogelvang, B., Clarke, J., (2014) Resilience of Dutch Probation Officers
Sperna Weiland, A., Vosters, N., & Button, L. critical profession. European Journal of Probation, Vol 6(2) pp. 126-146
Clarke, J (2013) Sustaining Probation Officer Resilience in Europe: A Transnational Study JUST/2010/JPEN/AG/1574.
George, K & Clarke, J (2013) Why doesn’t adversity make everyone stronger? Mediators of the relationship between negative trait emotion and resilience. Psychology Research, 3 (5), p. 290-301.
Clarke, J.M. (2011) Working with sex offenders: Best practice in enhancing practitioner resilience. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 1-21 (iFirst article)
Clarke, J & Carroll, M (2009) How’s your Head? Garda Review, pp 18-19
Paton, D., Violanti, J.M., (2008) Stress Shield: A model of police resiliency.
Johnston, P., Burke, K.J., Clarke, J.M., & Keenan, D International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 10(2), pp 95-107
Clarke, J.M (2008) “Promoting Professional Resilience”. In M. Calder (Ed) Contemporary Risk Assessment in Safeguarding Children, pp.164-180. Russell House Publishing
Clarke, J.M & Roger, D (2007) The construction and validation of a scale to assess psychological risk and well-being in sex offender treatment providers. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 12, pp 83- 100
Clarke, J. & Roger, D. (2002) Working therapeutically with sex offenders: The potential impact on the psychological well-being of treatment providers. In L. Falshaw (Ed) Issues in forensic psychology. Pp. 82-106 Vol. 3 BPS, Leicester
Clarke, J. M & Carter, A. J. (2000) “Relapse Prevention with Sexual Murderers” in D. R. Laws, S. M. Hudson & T. Ward (Eds.) Remaking Relapse Prevention: A Sourcebook. New York: Sage
Clarke, J (1997) Sex Offender treatment in the Prison Service: An Overview. In C. Holden & S. Hayman (Eds), Treating Sex Offenders in a Custodial Setting. ISTD Conference Proceedings, London