Mindhealth for Managers

MindHealth for Managers
Why this training, why now?
Enshrined in UK law, organisations have a duty of care to protect the health and safety, both physical and psychological, of their employees.Yet, today, never has this duty of care been more pressing, as we see a dramatic rise in mental ill health across our society. Astute organisations know they need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Offering a unique and exclusive combination of an empirically tested model applied to real life situations, our MindHealth for Managers one-day programme enables attendees to immerse themselves in an authentic case study. They will experience, first-hand, ways of addressing and supporting people to reduce the risk of experiencing mental ill health, leaving them…
• More informed about mental health.
• More empowered to use their knowledge.
• More competent to apply a validated model of wellbeing, both to themselves and those they manage.
• With greater confidence in supporting those struggling with mental health.
Here’s how…
MindHealth for Managers identifies and explores:
• What we already know about mental health.
• The dynamics of mental health on a continuum.
• What moves us on that continuum: The Model of Dynamic Adaption™ (MDA).
Our training supports attendees to:
• Immerse themselves in a real world example of a lived experience
• Apply the MDA to this experience
• Manage the MDA in terms of an individual’s support
• Understand the who, what, when, where and why of intervention to support good mental health at work.
Imagine a work place where managers are equipped and empowered to build stronger relationships with their staff, resulting in higher productivity, reduced sickness absence and improved staff retention. Our MindHealth for Managers programme is designed to create just that for your business.
Courses available to book
The evolution of MindHealth for Managers
Training co-authors, Director of Petros Professor Jo Clarke and Ed Simpson are experienced practitioners in Critical Occupations: jobs where there is a high risk of critical impact on psychological wellbeing.
With over 20 years’ experience working for HM Prison Service, Jo spent many years researching critical impact and what could be done to prevent it. The resulting Model of Dynamic Adaptation (MDA), is a practical, relatable framework to help individuals, teams and mangers understand why things might go wrong, how distress might manifest itself and what can be done, firstly, to prevent it, and secondly, respond rapidly and effectively to early indicators of impact.
A retired police sergeant, Ed has direct experience of critical impact and, as a result of PTSD and depression, retired on medical grounds from the Police Service. Through listening to Ed’s story, attendees are able to identify all the factors in his diagnosis and can explore openly with Ed and Jo what could have been done to prevent it. And, as Ed says, although his journey to diagnosis is unique to him, the consequences will be all too familiar to anyone who has experienced mental ill health.