The Challenge of Change

Discover our life changing one-day Challenge of Change™ training course.
“The Challenge of Change course has had a deep and lasting effect… ”
P. M. Portakabin Group
“Truly the most impactful and life-changing training I have received in my 30 year career.”
Course attendee, Lindley CE Infant School

“People who are resilient work smarter and can successfully negotiate the inevitable changes that are the one certainty of life”
Dr Derek Roger
At Petros The Challenge of Change Resilience Training Programme (CoC) turns conventional stress management on its head. Drawing a clear distinction between pressure and stress, rather than the misleading idea of good and bad stress, CoC contradicts the widely held view that some stress is good for you.
Pressure is undoubtedly useful and motivating, but all that stress offers is a possibly shorter, definitely more miserable life.
The CoC defines stress as ‘ruminating about emotional upset’. Going over and over all the things in your life that you can’t change or might never happen, which is, self-evidently, a miserable thing to do. Imagine being empowered to make the choice not to ‘stress’? Not to ruminate and make yourself anxious – this is what the Challenge of Change offers.
The Challenge of Change has consistently been shown to reduce sickness absence and staff turnover, while increasing job satisfaction and levels of resilience.
So, who is the Challenge of Change for and where’s the evidence? CoC has demonstrable effects, irrespective of the sector in which it is delivered, including Media, Criminal Justice, Construction, Engineering, Social Care to name just a few.
Are you shortening your life?
Much of the evidence for the crippling effects of rumination comes from the research programme on which the training is based. This shows that rumination not only makes you miserable but also prolongs the elevated levels of adrenaline and cortisol that characterize the ‘fight or flight’ response. These are, in fact, not stress hormones, merely hormones doing exactly what they’re designed to do, but prolonged high levels of adrenaline and cortisol make a huge demand on your cardiovascular system, as well as compromising your immune function.
This has the potential to shorten your life.
At our last event 100% of delegates said they would recommend this course.
43% reduction of sickness absence…
For one organization, after delivery of the CoC to key managers, sickness absence was reduced by 43% in one region, which had been experiencing particular difficulties with stress among staff. This was against an organizational reduction of 0.25%. Given that sickness absence costs the nation £29bn per year (CIPD, 2013), and approximately £595 per employee, the cost-benefits of incorporating the CoC into your organization’s health and safety strategy speak from themselves.
One public sector service calculated the hidden costs of one stress claim to be in the region of £185,000, and this was before legal teams became involved. This level of investment would enable the CoC training of over 700 staff! Imagine the savings if all 700 employees took one day less sick absence?
Challenge of Change applies cutting-edge psychology to the training, assessment and development of people.
Designed by internationally renowned psychologist Dr Derek Roger, thousands of individuals have already benefited from its ‘life changing’ impact.
For more information about the Derek Roger and the Challenge of Change programme delivered by Dr Jo Clarke and Petros here in the UK, please visit
“The training programme was very well received and in addition to positive feedback
from managers who attended, there was an equally impressive increase in resilience and reduction
in absence among their teams.”
S. M. United Response