Be Kind to Your Mind – Episode 5
Collaborating via Zoom, each Be Kind to Your Mind session is recorded to allow participants, and those who were not able to join the live sessions, to revisit and take advantage of the exclusive content for up to 30 days.
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Supporting our sessions, personal trainer Tom Lininsh guides us through some bespoke exercises, offering an important physical dimension to supporting our mental health.
Read and download Tom’s Be Kind to Your Mind Episode 5 PRINT READY exercise descriptions here.
Discover more about Tom and his work at
Petros is a not-for-profit organisation offering resilience assessment, consultancy, training and intervention. We’re dedicated to enhancing resilience for a stress-free, balanced and happy life, from childhood to adulthood, for individuals, families and organisations. Our goal is good mental health and emotional wellbeing for everyone. Discover more about us.